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Folding rollers are used on large plots. Their major task is compressing the soil. They are used for breaking up the turfs which cannot be broken up by cultivation tools and leveling the surface of farmlands. The rollers can be used in the farmland before and after planting. If, they are used in the farmland be- fore planting, they break up and crush clods in it, compacts the soil and ensures a balance between the air pockets, regulates water - air rates and prepares better seed beds.


If, they are used after planting, they help increasing the relation of seeds with the soil, drawing the water at lower levels of the soil up to the region where the seeds are planted and thereby germination.

Properties Unit of Measurement KTM4500 KTM6000 KTM8000

Volants Diameter

cm 40/50 40/50 40/50

Working Width

cm 450 600 800


cm 400 475 575


cm 225 225 225


cm 150 150 150

Min Engine Power

hp 70/90 110/130 160/200

Weight of the 38’ Volant

Kg 1700 2100 2550

Weight of the 40’ Volant

Kg 2250 2800 3450